The questions everyone asks about pirates and privateers - (image : Long John Silver in Treasure Island - 1883)
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The questions everyone asks
about pirates and privateers

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Question of Jack sparrow (11.18.2015): I have to make a presentation on the symbols and attributes of pirates and their meanings (e.g. the wooden leg, parrot...) Can you help me and give some information? Thank you in advance...
Long John SilverA: What characterizes pirate majority makes rather logical sense:

- The wooden leg was best to replace an amputated limb lost in battle and allowed the pirate to keep his dignity and be helpful on board where every man was needed to work in his role. The pirate could use his wooden leg to hide tools for his escape if he was taken prisoner!

- The (photo: usefulness of pirate eye patch) eye patch for the blind concealed misery and horror of the flesh slashed by shards of wood, the saber ...

- The banner at the top of the front protected the pirate from perspiration during hard work, but mainly protected the wood chips during cannon against the hull breaking into a thousand pieces,

- The golden earring gave the pirate protective properties than other materials did not. Gold cures vision and prevents diseases of the eye.

- The parrot: pirates marveled at its colorful plumage and ability to imitate the human voice. It was the pirates’ good companion that would break the monotony of long journeys.

- The metal hook replacing the missing hand was privileged to an articulated hand because it was more useful for climbing and lifting bales of merchandise .... and during a collision could be a formidable weapon.

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