The questions everyone asks about pirates and privateers - (image : Long John Silver in Treasure Island - 1883)
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The questions everyone asks
about pirates and privateers

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Question of Jez (07.06.2015): The World has changed since the 18th century, but do pirates, buccaneers, and other outlaws still roam the seas today?
Maritime piracy areas in 2006A: Yes, pirates are always present, and piracy has tripled between 1993 and 2003. Of course, there are no longer pirates of the eighteenth century, but pirates today use advanced technologies.
The most affected areas are now off Indonesia, the Malacca Strait, Gulf of Aden, the Atlantic coast of Africa, and the Caribbean.

Hacker attacks are mostly on larger freighters and wetting tanker ships in harbors. 1 of 5 ship is attacked at sea. Pleasure boats (sailboats or yachts) do not escape the pirates and are subject to very violent attacks as the pirates kill people onboard. The goal is to take possession from the ship and sell them.

Asia (4) is the most dangerous area of ​​the planet. Approximately thirty attacks take place every year near the ports of Belawan, Jakarta, Merak, Samarinda, and Tanjong.

Around Yemen and the horn of Africa (3) boats are strongly encouraged to be especially careful and vigilant and not to land near Yemen and Somalia where the risk of hostage-taking is very high.

In the Coastline of the Atlantic from Africa (2) pirates are active from Senegal to Angola. Their attacks are extremely violent. Pirates swim quietly to the ship at anchor, rise to naval boarding, and take possession of the ship in a few minutes by murdering all crew members.

Around the Caribbean (1) piracy acts are rare, but they are no less violent and may be done by drug traffickers. Attacks are characterized by the naval boarding of passenger ships or pleasure boats. The pirates use speedboats. They approach boats, threaten the occupants with firearms, pillage ships, and bench operating state engines and communications.

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