The questions everyone asks about pirates and privateers - (image : Long John Silver in Treasure Island - 1883)
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The questions everyone asks
about pirates and privateers

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Question of saranou (10.26.2015): Why have pirates become heroes of novels and movies?
Long John Silver by Matthieu Lauffray A: Any subject can be inspiration for a novel, film, documentary.

Robert Louis StevensonRobert Louis Stevenson’s (1850-1894) masterpiece novel Treasure Island opened the door to many novels and several movie adaptations. The universe of pirates in R.L. Stevenson’s novel is superbly described:
- treasure hunting in a cursed island wet and stuffy atmosphere,
- bloodthirsty pirates,
- the hero’s courage,
the mysterious Long John Silver...

This universe has inspired many novelists, archaeologists, and filmmakers who changed the image of the terrible pirate to the hero of the seven seas!

Daniel DefoeDaniel Defoe (1660-1731) did a lot to give true information about the pirates of the golden age of piracy. He is the author of Robinson Crusoe.
The memoires of the surgeon Alexandre Olivier Oexmelin Flibuste (1646 ~ 1707) are also a reference.
© Illustration of Long John Silver by Matthieu Lauffray

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