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The questions everyone asks about pirates and privateers
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Question of Theo (09.03.2022): What is the relationship between the Covid-
19 (Coronavirus) and the hackers? A:
It all depends on whether we are talking about computer hackers or sea pirates.
In the case of hackers:
Today, hackers around the world are taking advantage of the Covid-19 epidemic to increase their activities and spread their own infections.
A lot of hackers are jumping on the wave to create domain names. For example, in January 2020 alone, 16,000 domains related to the coronavirus were created, which is 10 times more than usual. These domain names are intended to sell products, malware and spread false information to people.
Cybercriminals are also taking advantage of the coronavirus pandemic and COVID-19 to attack hospital information systems through fraudulent emails. They have attempted to hijack data from health centers and demanded payment of a Bitcoin ransom.
Some hackers sell Mac computers at very low prices, under the catchphrase "special offer during the coronavirus", while this is obviously false.
Other hackers offer virus tracking cards that are ransomware (example with CovidLock) that prevent users from accessing the contents of their phone. They are forced to pay if they want to unlock it.
There is also a series of emails that offer daily news about the coronavirus. These fake emails provide links to "fake screen" OneDrive or Office365 login. People believe they are on the official pages and enter their credentials and send them to hackers who can use them for dishonest purposes.
The most common fraud is the travel authorization generator created on Tuesday, March 17, 2020. A fake link is circulating on social networks indicating: "you just have to click in order to get a certificate directly on your laptop, for those who don't have a printer. But this link ends with .sh and not .fr! So the site will suck data from your phone.
Fortunately, in all of this, Google claims that it detects some 18 million malware and phishing campaigns related to Covid-19 every day, and that its artificial intelligence manages to block 99.9% of these threats.
In the case of sea pirates
In March 2020, the Tunisian authorities accused Italy of hijacking off the sea, a boat loaded with alcohol for the manufacture of hydroalcoholic gel.
«There is a shortage of medical equipment, all states are stealing, it is hysteria, and there are many hijackings at sea. The European Union is no longer what it used to be,» added Trade Minister Mohamed Msellini, when asked about the controversy of the shortage of hydro-alcohol gel.
On the other hand, the Italians accuse the Czech Republic of having done the same with a shipment of 680,000 masks, from a Chinese humanitarian aid to Italy.
As a result, China had to send a new aid package containing 1,000,000 masks on a flight chartered directly to Rome.
The city of Prague, capital of the Czech Republic, anxious to prove its good faith, sent 110,000 masks to Italy as compensation.
Soon will come the race for the miracle drug, Chloroquine (or another), discovered by the French professor Didier Raoult, or the race for the vaccine led by the Russians against the Americans... doesn't it remind you of the race to the moon between these two countries in the 60s?
Graph economiematin.fr - photo kapitalis.com - sources sputniknews.com
5 questions/answers randomly on piracy

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